Hollywood Restoration Company - Fire Damage Restoration


Hollywood Restoration Company Hollywood, FL 954-406-9821Fire accidents are serious business. It has the highest potential of causing irreversible damage to life and property. Fire plays a huge role in our day-to-day lives, but it can just as easily cause destruction as well. An accidental fire breakout can be one of your worst nightmares. It can completely destroy your property, leave behind permanent scars of the accident on your precious things, reduce your stuff to ashes and soot and make the environment toxic with smoke. Accidental fire can be a very traumatic experience. Lack of immediate mitigation and remediation can increase the scale of damage exponentially. You will not only have to deal with charred remains of all the things you love, but also handle huge repair costs at the end of it all. 

Why call us?

As soon as the fire breaks out, the nearest fire station to your place in Hollywood, FL area is alerted and they immediately come for help. However, is it enough to simply put out the fire? What about all the destruction that follows? Smoke that trickles deep into the cracks and crevices? Soot that settles on all your possessions? When you are dealing with a fire accident, these are the last things on your mind. But the longer you take to act on it, the more you will suffer in terms of loss of valuable possessions. Don't wait for your walls to get discolored or the metal fixtures to corrode before you ask for help.

To restore your property from a fire disaster, you need a professional who can work their magic and give you back what you lost in raging flames. Don't wait any longer than you already have. Call Hollywood Restoration Company at 954-406-9821 and let our expert technicians get to work. We assure you that our remediation process will be deployed without wasting any precious time.

Combating fire plus water damage

When you have a fire accident, damage caused by fire is not your only problem. There is use of water and chemicals to put out the fire can also prove just as catastrophic. Fire may be long gone, but its traces in ash, soot and smoke will make your lives a living hell. The longer they stay inside your premises, the riskier it for you and your things. But Hollywood Restoration Company knows how to combat these issues! We have been in business for 20 years and have seen it all. We know exactly how to curb the damage and get you back on your feet again. There is not a single service provider in all of Hollywood, FL area who can provide fire damage restoration like we do!

Our work process:

Step 1: We evaluate the level of damage and identify the source of the problem

Step 2: Conduct thorough evaluation of your possessions to identify the items that can be fixed or restored

Step 3: We remove all the damaged items and restore the ones that can be salvaged

Step 4: Provide remediation in sections that were destroyed by water. Remove soot and smoke from the affected areas

Step 5: Perform restoration of the structure such as replacement of charred wood, removal of burnt insulation, installation of new furnishings and décor items, inspection and evaluation of property’s structural integrity. Based on our evaluation, our restoration experts will recommend rebuilding certain parts of the property

Step 6: Cleaning, odor removal and sanitization of the property

Fire accidents can leave you paralyzed with losses, making the accident all the more stressful. However, we can help you restore most of the damage, if not all. Call us at 954-406-9821 and we’ll help you bring your life back to normal.