

‘Hollywood by the Sea’ was a vision of one man named Joseph W. Young which started taking shape in 1920, growing into a massive city that stands as an exemplification of splendor. Young wanted Hollywood to be perfect; laying out a plan for what is now the twelfth-largest city in Florida. Interestingly, the name he adopted for his dream city had nothing to do with the movie capitol in California or anything to do with holly bushes; rather it was a name he conjured up simply because he liked the sound of it. Back when he first visualized it, no one would have predicted that Hollywood city would go on to attain the stature it has today.

The rise and fall of Hollywood

Where others saw barren land, the city’s founder Young saw opportunity, and spent millions to bring his plan to life. He built a broad Boulevard, elegant resorts, office buildings, railroad station, schools, laid out roads, parks, power cables, water lines, sewer system, sidewalks and street lighting. The rapid development drew people in, but sadly, Nature had other plans. Just as the city’s growth was at its peak, the Great Hurricane of 1926 turned things around for the worse. The city encountered severe losses, second only to Miami and after 1934 a few more hurricanes rattled the city. It was only after WWII that the city rose, as if from the ashes of its splendor, and began to swell in size and prosper.

Rebuilding lives, one step at a time

When a vision so perfect in its conceptualization and so intricate in its implementation could fall under Nature’s wrath; the question is: where does that leave your residential property? Time can take a toll on your property’s appearance. Add to that hurricanes and rainstorms to which Hollywood city has an affinity for and you’ll find your home’s life span cut short significantly. Be it damage due to natural disasters such as a flood or an accidental fire, you can count on Hollywood Restoration Company to serve you in the best manner, and rebuild your lives again.

Who we are?

Hollywood Restoration Company has been a part of Hollywood city for decades now. We’ve seen it rise, we’ve seen it stumble, we’ve seen it buckle under forces of nature – but every single time, we’ve been there, lending a helping hand to residential and commercial clients and putting their lives back together.

Some of the services we offer include:

  • Hollywood Restoration Company Hollywood, FL 954-406-9821We can fix water damage following floods/rains
  • Detection of hidden leaks through non-invasive methods
  • Salvaging items from fire-damaged properties
  • Identification, testing and removal of mold
  • Restoring furniture, heirlooms, clothes etc.
  • Decontamination and deodorizing
  • Fixing plumbing failures, appliance malfunction etc
  • Through drying and dehumidification
  • Painting, wallpapering, flooring
  • Reconstructing damaged sections
  • Custom remodeling designs

Avail all this and a lot more by dialing 954-406-9821. We serve the following zip codes:

33019, 33020, 33021, 33022, 33023, 33024, 33025, 33026, 33027, 33028, 33029, 33081, 33082, 33083, 33084, 33312, 33314, 33316, 33332